Thursday, October 5, 2017

Texas State's Global News Team's 2018 Service Trip

Texas State's Global News Team's 2018 Service Trip 
By Anahi Hernandez-Rico  
SAN MARCOS, Texas – Holly Wise held a news conference Monday to discuss the Global News Team's trip to Guyana in January of 2018 

The Global News Team will join the Texas State Department of Respiratory Care and together travel to Guyana. The upcoming trip in will be from Jan. 2 to the 18.
The Global News Team is a group of students compiled by founder Holly Wise, a lecturer at Texas State University, with the purpose of covering the work that is being done on the service trips. 
"The Global News Team serves specifically to tell the stories of the communities that are being served as well as the students and faculty who are volunteering," said Wise. 

The Respiratory Care students will deliver respiratory therapy in clinics set up in communities around Guyana. The Global News Team will be there to create multimedia content. 

To go on the trip, students must go through an application process and interview with Wise. Once approved students must enroll in two courses. The course being Feature Writing and Multimedia Journalism. Students are in charge of having taken all pre-required courses for Feature Writing and Multimedia Journalism before enrollment. Wise also asks that students have some experience in news production. 

"I am not asking for three years of experience. I just want to know that you have the fundamental skills in order to be on the trip," said Wise.  

The cost for the upcoming study abroad trip is $2,804 which is on top of the tuition for the spring semester or the six credit hours. The $2,804 covers airfare, two meals a day, lodging, health insurance and the application fee. 

The trip is a Service Trip which unlike a traditional study abroad trip means students are there to work. Wise feels it is important to make the distinction from other study abroad trips. 

 "Some study abroad trips are true to that definition, you're literally studying abroad. Right, so you'll be in a class room in an international university... then usually in the evening you have free time to go and explore and sight see. Service learning trips are a little bit different, there is usually no regimented classroom time involved and the purpose of the trip is service oriented. You are volunteering in an international environment and you are often living in people's communities. You'rembedded and really immersed within that local community," Wise said.

For people interested in joining the Global News Team look forward to the 2019 trip, as it is too late to join the 2018 trip Wise is hopeful for a future trip, but is unsure as of now if there will be a 2019 trip.  Wise encourages anyone interested in the future trip to talk to her, or keep up with the Global News Team through social media or through the SJMC website via the study abroad tab. 

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