Monday, October 30, 2017

Texas State Students Talk Study Abroad

By Anahi Hernandez-Rico

SAN MARCOS, Texas – Texas State Students and faculty said the reason students do not do Study abroad is because of lack of time and funds. Further people feel there is not enough exposure for the programs.  

The main reason people had for not doing Study Abroad was time. When asked what was stopping him student, Garfield Harrison, said he does not have time. 

"Time. I don't have the time," said Harrison. "I wish I had the time to do it because it sounds really cool, but I have like planned like literally up to graduation," said Harrison.

Garfield Harrison by Anahi Hernandez-Rico

ther Students like Mathew Christnacht say the problem is not only time to take the trip but taking the time to even find out what is available.  

"I haven’t had time and don’t know about any opportunities. I feel like it would take a big time commitment to learn about them," said Christnacht 

Mathew Christnacht by Cruz Rojas

Ron Clark, a student, who has studied abroad said that the Study Abroad program should focus on motivating students to use their time wisely and Study Abroad sooner rather than never. 

"Encouraging people to study-abroad earlier would be best. I feel like a lot of people want to do it their senior year and they just never do it. It's something people put off a lot, and it may be because of the cost as well," said Clark. 

Ron Clark by Sawyer Click

The cost of the trips was another main reason students seem to avoid Studying abroad. When Ceven Johnson, a freshman, was asked if she would Study Abroad in her future she said it was not likely because of the cost.  

"I don't think so. Mainly because of money; I think the experience would be cool, but because of my financial situation that doesn't really seem possible," said Johnson. 

Ceven Johnson by Luis Seijo 

Lastly Students and Faculty mentioned that another reason students are not studying abroad is the lack of knowledge. Lolita Legan, a student affairs professional, said they should make staff and faculty more aware of the programs to help inform students of their options. 

"Obviously, there should be more publicity about it. I think that staff, as well as faculty, knew about them then they could encourage students to participate. I firmly believe that an international experience is important and I really think that the internship experience is important. And I spend a lot of time talking to students that if I knew about those details and specifics, that I could encourage them to participate. So I think especially making sure that the university community knows about them," said Legan. 

Lolita Legan by Anahi Hernandez-Rico

Stephanie Dardon, a student, agrees that there should be more exposure of the programs, even suggesting they come to classes or even club meetings. 

"Definitely a lot of outreaches, and maybe like have certain people go into classes,said Dardon, "Also if [they] could work closely with all of the [student] would be cool to have certain people from the Study abroad come and talk about [that] kind of stuff," said Dardon. 

Stephanie Dardon by Anahi Hernandez-Rico

To learn more about Study Abroad at Texas state visit their website.

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