By: Collin Jones

Photo by: Collin Jones
Ramiro De La Cruz
Bio Major
Q: "Have you considered doing a study abroad program offered here at Texas State?"
A: "Since it's my first year, I have not participated yet. I am planning on looking into it!"
Q: "Is there a better way to make the programs more accessible to students?"
A: "It would be better if they could include financial aid for students, such as myself, who do not have the resources available to attend and expansive trip."
Q: "Would you say that it is beneficial to attend a study abroad program and why?"
A: "You get to experience a brand new culture while learning and gaining experience in the field you are studying."
Q: "Would you say that there is a downside to such programs?"
A: "Absolutely not, other than the cost of the trips!"

Photo by: Collin Jones
Elisha Jefferis
ESS Mahor
Q: "Throughout your years here at Texas State, have you ever attended a study abroad program?"
A: " No I have not!"
Q: "Why haven't you?"
A: "I was unaware that Exercise Sports Science Majors had opportunities to do so."
Q: "How could the programs be more accessible to students?"
A: "Promote the programs for all majors, especially ones you wouldn't think to have study abroad trips planned."
Q: "Is there any downside to these programs, other than lack of awareness?"
A: "No, but they could work with students on pricing more."
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