Monday, October 30, 2017

Diverse Sources Interview - Suraj Karusala

By Nicole Cavender

Suraj Karusala
Masters in Technology Management/Student Teacher
Graduate Student

Karusala is a native of India who came to Texas State University to complete his masters degree. When asked what his masters degree program covers Karusala said that it's "concentrated in manufacturing. How you manage stuff in manufacturing and all that."

When asked if he liked the program that he's in he said "that's why I flew on a 23-hour flight to get here."

Karusala thought that in order to improve this masters study program, the university should step up their marketing game in other countries.

"They have to do marketing in the other countries too."

The benefits of this program are that "[students] have opportunities to get jobs that open the doors to different industries."

"I don't think there is any downside to this program."

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