Monday, October 30, 2017

Texas State Students Discuss Study Abroad Programs

By: Cruz Rojas

SAN MARCOS, Texas Students at Texas State University believe study abroad can be beneficial for students, but participating in them can be challenging.

Some students believe study abroad programs bring a lot of great opportunities to learn about other cultures and gain knowledge outside the classroom. 
Lauren Reese
Photo By: Cruz Rojas

Lauren Reese, a senior early education major says, "I think you get a lot of outside-of-school knowledge about culture and different ways that people live. I know some people that went to Spain, and they said that they learned Spanish really well because they were immersed in the environment. You can pick up things there that you can’t pick up in the classroom."

As appealing as this opportunity is, paying for it can be a problem for some students, even discouraging.  

Ceven Johnson
Photo By: Luis Seijo

Ceven Johnson, a freshman psychology major, says she is discouraged from studying abroad, “mainly because of money; I think the experience would be cool, but because of my financial situation that doesn't really seem possible."

Ollen Howard
Photo By: Darreane Valles

Ollen Howard, a junior exercise and sports science major, follows up with, “As far as a study abroad program, I know that they try to make it seem like its affordable and just this easy process, but it’s not. I feel like it is something you got to look more into.”

As you can see, some students believe the cost to study abroad makes participating in these opportunities nearly impossible. Furthermore, they agree that other actions need to be taken to make the programs more accessible for students.

Ramiro De La Cruz
Photo By: Collin Jones

Ramiro De La Cruz, a freshman biology major, thinks, "It would be better if they could include financial aid for students, such as myself, who do not have the resources available to attend an expensive trip."

Besides money, some students believe they are limited to the options they have to study abroad through their major.

Bre Gilpin
Photo By: Mathew Masepohl

Bre Gilpin, a junior education major, says, “I kind of wish there were more places you could go for study abroad. Education majors only go to South America, but I want to go to Europe.”

Although there may be obstacles to study abroad, it is still a great opportunity to explore new places, cultures, and even yourself.

Leoness Aguilar
Photo By: Anahi Hernandez-Rico

Leoness Aguilar, a junior business administration major agrees, “I feel like it gives them an experience outside of just what they're used to and their norms. It's an eye-opener whether it has to do with business or whatever they're pursuing. It's a different culture and experience."

For more information about Texas State University study abroad programs visit It never hurts to look.

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