Sunday, October 29, 2017

Rudy Menendez study abroad interview

Rudy Menendez (Photo by: Luis Seijo)
Business Management and Agriculture

Q: "Is study abroad something you'd be interested in?"
A: "For sure, yes."

Q: "If money wasn't an issue for you, is that you would look forward to soon?"
A: "I would definitely wait until about maybe junior or senior year to start it, to get settled into university, just so I could find my own way."

Q: "Do you think it would be beneficial?"
A: "Yes for sure. "
Q: "Where is somewhere you would like to go?"
A: "For sure Italy. Actually, what I want to do here at Texas State is start a rooftop garden system. The urbanization of San Marcos has increased throughout years, I think urban agriculture is the way to go."

Q: "What do you think are some ways that they can make these programs more accessible to students?"
A: "I'm not familiar with study abroad, but I guess more promotions."

Q: "Aside from financial issues, what do you think holds students back from

A: "There are students who just think they can't do it; either legal reasons like citizenship wise. They don't have the legal ways to get a passport, leave and then come back. So I think just getting those students and telling them "Hey, this is something to help you in your education" I think that's what study abroad programs should help with because there are a lot of students who can't leave but would love to."

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