Thursday, October 5, 2017

News Conference: Texas State Global News Team

By: Cruz Rojas

Holly Wise
Photo by: Cruz Rojas

SAN MARCOS, Texas – Texas State Global News Team, will travel to Guyana in Jan. 2018.

On the 2018 Global News Team trip Holly Wise and five students will be traveling to South America. They will be there for 11 days in January.

“We will be traveling with the Texas State Department of Respiratory Care students and one faculty member while they deliver respiratory therapy in clinics and in communities,” Wise said.

Wise is the leader of the Global News Team and a Lecturer at Texas State University in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication. Wise has organized two successful study abroad trips to Nicaragua in 2016 and 2017 and is done recruiting students for her next trip. The opportunity is open to all students in the College of Journalism and Mass Communication.  

For the past two years, the Global News Team has collaborated with the Texas State University School of Nursing. While the nursing students help the patients in the community, the Global News Team takes photos and videos and interviews the locals benefiting from the service learning trip.

“The students of the Global News Team imbedded with service learning trips from Texas State specifically to tell the stories that are being served as well as the students and facility who are volunteering,” Wise said.   

The cost of the service learning trip is $2,804, however, there are scholarship opportunities and grants that Wise applies for to help cover the cost of the trip. The trips cost covers airfare, two meals a day, all of your lodging, your health insurance and application fees.

For more information about Texas State Global News Team or to see the team’s work go to Email Holly Wise ( with any questions about the organization.

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