Thursday, October 5, 2017

Texas State Global News Team is heading to Guyana in 2018

Texas State Global News Team is heading to Guyana in 2018
By Stephen Spencer

Lecturer Holly Wise at Global News Team news conference
SAN MARCOS, Texas – The Texas State Global News Team will travel with the respiratory care students on a study abroad trip to Guyana in January 2018.

In a news conference held earlier this week, Texas State lecturer and founder of the Global News Team, Holly Wise, announced that the team will be headed to Guyana for their 2018 study abroad trip. They will be traveling alongside the Texas State department of respiratory care students from Jan. 2-13.

The Global News Team, comprised of students from the school of journalism and mass communication, will be doing intensive coverage over the course of 11 days in Guyana. Wise has already selected five students to embark with her on the expedition next year.

To get a better sense of what the Global News Team exactly is and what they strive to do, Wise held a press conference. The Global News Team study abroad trip is a service learning trip, which makes this trip a little different from ordinary study abroad trips.

“The students of the Global News Team embed with service learning trips from Texas State, specifically to tell the stories of the communities that are being served as well as the students and faculty who are volunteering,” Wise said.
Since this is a service learning trip, you will be doing a lot of work within the local communities. The work that the Global News Team has done in the past while in Nicaragua ranged from taking notes to doing interviews with local doctors and nursing students.

“My students, my team are running around taking photos and videos, interviewing patients, nursing students working with local doctors, interviewing them as well as their teams,” Wise said.

These are a few things you can expect if you are thinking about joining the Global News Team in the future. Wise encourages anyone from the school of journalism and mass communication to join. However, there are a few requirements which include vaccinations and courses that need to be taken prior.

“The two classes you would enroll in would be Feature Writing and Multimedia Journalism. One thing I do ask is that you have some experience in news production, whether that be electronic media or PR or news writing,” Wise said.

Wise shared what she hopes students gain from these service learning trips and how they can be beneficial to the aspiring journalists.

“One thing that I’m hoping for all my students is that they gain a global perspective of their work.” “And then I’m also hoping that my students walk away with greater skill sets in interviewing people, knowing how to have conversations with people who are different from them, learning how to gather news content,” Wise said.

To learn more about The Global News Team visit For further information regarding the study abroad trip email Holly Wise at

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