Monday, October 30, 2017

Texas State Students Share Concerns on Internships and Study Abroad

Ceven Johnson
Photo by Luis Seijo
By Kyla-Krista Ong

SAN MARCOS, Texas — Texas State University students expressed their thoughts and opinions on internships, Study Abroad and Study in America programs. Many of them said that even though these programs are beneficial, they are not as accessible as they should be which hinders their involvement.

Accessibility to internships, Study Abroad and Study in America programs are a common problem among a population of students at the university. Even though there is a high interest in participation, the programs seem to put a financial burden on them.

“I think the experience would be cool but because of my financial situation, that doesn't really seem possible,” said Ceven Johnson, freshman Psychology major.

Jenna Huff
Photo by Nicole Cavender
Not only does price seem to be an obstacle for many students, others have said that their major does not provide many study abroad opportunities, leaving them with limited options.

“My major is pretty small. There is one study abroad program that you can do over the summer but it's pretty expensive and a place that I don't really want to go to,” said Jenna Huff, Communication Disorders sophomore.

Despite the challenges students face in being able to participate in these programs, there are many benefits that come with it. Lanita Legan, Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center, was a foreign exchange student between high school and college. Shared her thoughts on the matter.
Lanita Legan
Photo by Anahi Hernandez-Rico
“Often times [students] are in their comfort zone and so they have to learn to live outside of that comfort zone. It also gives them an incredible experience in a place where they may not ever get to go back or they may not have ever thought they could go in the first place and it changes their perspective,” Legan said.

Giulia Gasponi, Finance major, had a suggestion for better promotion for study abroad programs.

"I would say letting people know about them more in their classes. I've heard people come into class and talk about study abroad, but it is just so random. It is not consistent." said Gasponi.
Giulia Gasponi
Photo by Justus Stafford

Internships are also a way for students to expand their knowledge and receive hands on learning in their chosen career path. However, students have had frustrating experiences while doing so.

“A lot of students feel pressured into doing them. We are told to apply to an internship however many months or year in advance. When you get there, it is not necessarily what you expected,” said Ollen Howard, Exercise and Sports Science junior.

Graduate student, Skyler Love, said that while she was working toward her bachelor’s degree, she was required to take a class that served as an internship. However, she said that some internships just look good on paper and do not actually provide skills that students could benefit from.
Ollen Howard
Photo by Darreane Valles
"I didn't benefit from my internship. If they were willing to show me the ropes I would have benefited more from it," Love said.
Skyler Love
Photo by Taylor Jacko

Students may visit the Career Services website at for assistance in searching and preparing for internships. Any information on Study Abroad, Study in America and funding for these programs can be found at

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