Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Students and alumni welcome to career fair on Thursday

Students and alumni welcome to career fair on Thursday

By Corey Hammonds

Nicole Hengst, Texas State mass communication lecturer (Photo by: Corey Hammonds)
SAN MARCOS, Texas — Career Services is holding a career fair for students and alumni on Thursday, Feb. 22, in the LBJ Student Center ballroom from noon to 4 p.m.

The Mass Communication Career Fair currently has 19 employers registered who are looking for interns, part and full-time positions. There will be no cost of entry, but students must swipe their student ID to attend and alumni must bring their drivers license.

Nicole Hengst, Texas State mass communication lecturer, had provided lots of tips and information to prepare for the career fair.

“Even if you aren’t exactly sure what you're looking for, you should still attend because events like this are a great way to meet somebody. To actually look them in the eye, shake their hand and begin a relationship with them,” said Hengst.

The dress code for the event is business casual to business formal. The university understands that the attendees are college students and business clothes can be pricey. That is why Career Services offers a career closet.

“You can rent professional attire for extremely cheap, there’s a large selection for all shapes and sizes. There is even a fitting room there, so you’re not just taking what you can get. You are finding an outfit that actually makes you comfortable and confident,” said Hengst.

Students should bring multiple resumes and professional business cards. The resume is extremely important, you can submit your resume online on the Career Services page for a career counselor to review and critique within 48 hours.

“Business cards also make a good impression if they are well done, don't include written out hyperlinks or unprofessional emails like chicken nugget lover,” said Hengst.

The Mass Communication Career Fair has historically been a success and they hope to continue this trend in the future. For more information you may visit the Career Services website or email them at

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