Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Career Services hosting Mass Communication Career Fair

By: Sierra Tyler

SAN MARCOS, Texas – The Spring 2018 Mass Communication Career Fair will be held Feb. 22 in the LBJ Student Center Ballroom from noon until 4:00 p.m. The companies attending are seeking summer interns, part-time and full-time employees.

The 21 companies registered to attend represent various radio, television, PR and other communication providers. The dress code is business casual to business professional, and students are encouraged to bring their resumes and business cards.

Nicole Hengst discusses the career fair.
Nicole Hengst, lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, said this year’s career fair is different since Career Services partnered with faculty in the School for Journalism and Mass Communication to reach a wider network of employers.

“Each of these faculty members has a much wider network within the industry than the Career Service team might have. So we are really relying on the SMJC faculty with those professional contacts ... that way we can bring more relevant and applicable employers,” said Hengst.

Hengst also gave tips to help students succeed in the Career Fair, and said one thing to remember is be confident.

“As you come in to speak to the employers, remember to be confident in yourself. To stand confidently, speak confidently and know that you have value,” said Hengst.

To be confident, practice is important. Hengst said a good way for students to practice is to create an elevator pitch, which is a 30-second pitch about who they are, what they’re looking for and what they can offer a company.

“You are your own brand, and potentially need to pitch yourself to an employer. Employers should leave the conversation thinking ‘I need this person on my team’, ” said Hengst.

Hengst also said Career Services has resources, like the Career Closet and 48-hour resume critiques, to help prepare students for the career fair.

Hengst said meeting with Career Services was a great start in landing internships and part-time jobs, which will help in finding employment after graduation.

“It is important to get your feet into as many doors and opportunities as possible. So, if that means having five or six internships here at Texas State throughout your entire time here, I think that any kind of exposure you can have is valuable,” said Hengst.

For more information about the career fair, visit the Career Service’s website at  

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