Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Mass Communication Career Fair approaches

Angelica Cruz-Rodriguez

Nicole Hengst
Photo by: Angelica Cruz-Rodriguez
SAN MARCOS, Texas – Career Services invites students and alumni to the Mass Communication Career Fair, Thursday, Feb. 22, 2018, in the LBJ Student Center ballroom from noon to 4 p.m.

Employers will be hiring for internships, part-time and full-time positions. Those attending the free event are to bring their student ID, or if an alumni to bring their drivers license or know their student ID number. It is recommended to attend in business casual to business formal attire, bring multiple resumes and business cards, and be well informed about the companies at the fair.

Nicole Hengst, a lecturer in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication, said to be confident and professional when meeting employers.

“As you are speaking to your employers remember to be confident in yourself, to stand confidently, speak confidently and know that you have value,” said Hengst. “Be respectful of the employer and follow all the basic conversation norms. Look them in the eye when they are speaking. Give them some nonverbal communication back and never interrupt. Do not make fun of a company, even if [that company is] a competitor to the employer you are speaking with.”

Career Services has many resources in order to help students prepare for the fair. They have the Career Closet where a student can rent professional attire for cheap. It is recommended to plan ahead as the Career Closet will be closed during the fair. The computer lab is open to help students create their resume and print out their resumes on thicker white paper. Students can also submit their resumes to be reviewed and critiqued within 48 hours.

Hengst said students often think that they have nothing to offer the companies but the student should not believe that.

“You have an education because you are here at Texas State,” said Hengst. “You have experience within your classes, and you have new ideas and solutions to bring to the table for each company’s current problems. All of these things are valuable, and you are valuable.”

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