Monday, January 22, 2018

Shelley Kellar Bio

Zachary Smith
Photo of Shelley Kellar (Photo credit: Zachary Smith)

Shelley Kellar is not what you think about when you think about a college student. At 31 years young Kellar has had quite an eventful life. She is currently attending Texas State University in San Marcos Texas, but it has not always been that way.

Kellar started off her college carer planning on attending the University of Alabama when an untimely car crash her senior year left her in the hospital on life support. After this tragic part of her life, she was forced to attend Texas Lutheran instead. Although life threw her, even more, punches Kellar held her ground and is now working to finish her degree at the best university in Texas, Texas State, where she is studying advertising. 

Kellar’s next goal is to become an account manager at an ad agency locally in Austin. She plans to achieve this goal with the support of her husband, Jonathan, and the rest of her family.  Go Bobcats!

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