Monday, January 22, 2018

Sierra Tyler bio

By: Rachel Lauten

Sierra Tyler, a senior with a digital media major and mathematics minor. She chose this as her second degree because of the mix of creativity and the behind-the-scenes aspect of it as well. Born and raised in Killeen, Texas, her decision between University of Texas in Austin, Texas, and Texas State University was decided with the nice campus here, as well as the good teachers. Her favorite place to travel is Savanah, Georgia. Sierra first switched her major five times, all in the college of engineering before choosing her digital media major. She is involved in the NSAC team working on the media planning committee. In her free time, she enjoys writing poems, short stories and plays. She has also attended the Black and Latinos playwright contest the past two years here at Texas State. Sierra has a grasp on her plans in life after college: working at a startup digital media planning company.

Sierra Tyler

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