Monday, January 22, 2018

Nellie Perry Bio

By: Angelica Cruz-Rodriguez
Nellie Perry
Photo By: Angelica Cruz-Rodriguez
Nellie Perry is a 20 year-old sophomore at Texas State University, who is majoring in Journalism and Mass Communications, concentrating in Digital Media. She is from a small beach town on the coast of Texas named Palacios. Her love for living near a body of water made the San Marcos River one of the deciding factors in attending Texas State. Another deciding factor was that Perry enjoys reading and writing, and wanted to pursue an English degree at Texas State. Once at the school she discovered that although she took pleasure in narrative writing, she was better suited for expository writing, resulting in changing her major to Journalism and Mass Communications. Perry still makes time to enjoy her hobbies of reading and writing but she also spends her time working towards a Journalism and Mass Communications degree, getting involved with political organizations at the university, and working as a server at Texas Roadhouse.

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